The Stem Celebrates 10 Years
Ten years ago, The Stem was born as a new breed of consultancy serving customer engagement innovators in biopharma and Health.
Our concept was simple: to enable our clients to partner with the world’s leading independent talent to help them navigate fast-moving changes in customer engagement.
Back then, we anticipated two parallel mega-trends:
- The evolution of bio-pharmaceutical customer engagement, fueled by shifts in technology and patient/customer behavior.
- Changes in the nature of work leading to a growing independent talent force capable of working effectively in a distributed fashion.
We called ourselves a “networked consultancy” to capture the essence of a business model which would provide clients with high quality consulting services, delivered through teams of seasoned independent talent, drawn from a global network.
Our vision was to “Harness the collective wisdom of independent talent to improve health experiences”.
We wanted clients to work directly with world-class experts, and we wanted our independent consultants to be able to work on innovative projects that would change the nature of Health customer engagement.
This month, we celebrate our 10 year anniversary and I couldn’t be more proud of what we have accomplished.
After 10 years, we have:
- Delivered over 500 projects.
- Partnered with over 37 clients.
- Engaged with over 250 consultants.
- Worked in over 35 countries, across 6 continents.
None of this would have been possible without our clients and network consultants.
I am truly grateful to our clients for believing in the strength of our model, the expertise of our talent, and trusting us to work on their most challenging customer engagement projects.
And, I am humbled by our consultants. Your talent, dedication, innovation, versatility and camaraderie never cease to amaze me, and we owe our success to you.
Gregg Fisher
Founder & Managing Partner, The Stem
About the Stem
Founded by Gregg Fisher in 2013, The Stem is a global management consulting firm specializing in customer engagement strategy and operations in the health & life sciences sectors. The Stem’s unique “networked model” draws on a senior leadership team and the industry’s most seasoned independent talent, offering clients a nimble, cost-effective and refreshing alternative to traditional consultancies, without sacrificing control.
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