Our Model

Networked Consulting.

Our Advantages are Yours

To solve client problems we draw upon our network of 150+ independent, freelance and project consultants. The advantages of this model are significant.

Independent consultants The Stem’s network consists of seasoned independent consultants with an average of 15+ years’ experience, in contrast to the apprentice-model of larger consultancies, which use a higher ratio of junior to senior talent. Additionally, Stem consultants are inherently entrepreneurial, having chosen to operate independently. For clients, the advantage is a fresh perspective, grounded and practical expertise, and an uncommon level dedication and creativity.

Flexibility and scalability Stem consultants are staffed on-demand and matched to the specific needs of clients, versus drawn from an internal pool of talent as in traditional consultancies. Additionally, the approach to each project is customized to the specific situation, versus relying on a standardized methodology. For clients, this flexibility ensures there is always a strong fit between the need, and the skills and approach deployed. It also means The Stem can rapidly scale up or down to meet changing client needs without clients being penalized.

Productivity Finally, The Stem operates using a virtual model, including flexible working arrangements supported by collaboration technologies and peer support. The impact of this model is higher levels of consultant engagement, which directly translates into higher levels of consultant productivity, client service and commitment.

All of this means we are able to deliver high quality results with uncommon efficiency and flexibility.

Our ‘networked’ model

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Talent curation

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